What is the Classification and Corresponding Description of Check Valves?
As a Ball Check Valve Leading Supplier , share with you. One-Way Valve: Check valve, also known as one-way valve or check valve, its role is to prevent backflow of the medium in the pipeline. The bottom valve of the water pump is also classified as a check valve. Multi-function Check Valves Check Valve: It is a valve that can actively prevent backflow of fluid. The valve flap of the check valve opens under the action of fluid pressure, and the fluid flows from the inlet side to the outlet side. When the pressure on the inlet side is lower than that on the outlet side, the valve flap is actively closed under the action of fluid pressure difference, own gravity and other factors to prevent fluid backflow. Check Valve: It is usually divided into several types such as lifting type, swing type, butterfly type and diaphragm type. The structure of the lift check valve is usually similar to that of the globe valve. The valve flap moves up and down along the line in the channel. Th...